9am-5:00pm PST 1-888-966-2299

JC Penney Camcorder Batteries

685-5004 686-6009 688-6023 890-2454
685-5009 686-6015 855-2879 890-2461
686-5019 686-6016 855-8314 890-2561
686-5042 686-6023 855-8321 890-2579
656-5100 686-6062 855-8362 932-0300
656-5110 686-6093 855-8363 932-0312
686-5111 686-6105 855-8421 932-0318
686-5115 686-6204 855-8462 932-0334
686-5116 686-6228 855-8520 932-1829
686-5330 686-6230 855-8959 932-2017
686-5335 686-6232 855-8967 932-2488
686-5340 686-6301 855-8975 932-2744
686-5350 686-8314 855-9163 932-2819
686-5503 686-8959 890-1886 932-8378
686-5507 686-8967 890-1894 934-0340
686-5600 688-2842 890-1902 934-0357
686-5800 688-2942 890-2447 .

Camcorder battery models

686-6023 688-2942 855-8371 934-0332
686-6063 688-2948 855-8611 934-0340
688-2922 688-2949 890-2595 934-0357
688-2925 688-6018 nla 932-0334 LCSD122BU
. 855-3026 932-8378 VMBP61

The above batteries will have different model numbers on the product pages since they are after market replacement batteries which are as good or better than the originals.  The current or mAh (milliamp hour) rating of a battery is an indication of the battery capacity or how long it will last on a charge, the higher the better.

Call toll-free 1-888-966-2299 or e-mail sales@batterycanada.com if you don't see your JC Penney model listed.