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Due to shipping regulations lithium batteries cannot be shipped by AIR
Lithium batteries will be sent by GROUND shipping only.

(If you select Courier lithium batteries will be shipped by courier ground service.)
Privacy Policy - BatteryCanada collects only the information required to process your order which is kept completely confidential and is not sold or distributed to anyone. Credit card numbers are automatically deleted after being processed. Our secure server software (SSL) encrypts all of your personal information so that it can't be read by others as it is sent to us. When people visit a web site with the intent of making an online purchase, they want proof of the identity of the site owner. They also want to know that their personal information cannot be read by hackers. The Geotrust security certificate which authenticates the encryption and site owner can be viewed at the bottom of the homepage or product pages. You can shop with confidence as BatteryCanada has never had a single instance of fraudulent credit card abuse. 
If you are still concerned about Internet security you can phone toll-free (1-888-966-2299) or fax (1-604-648-9945) your order.
Only one shipping charge applies to each order-not by number of batteries ordered unless the weight is excessive in which case you will be contacted with the revised shipping cost.
Laptop batteries are not shipped outside North America or to Mexico. International orders (outside North America) of other products can be delayed up to a month or more by foreign Customs. Laptop batteries are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
USA Amex & Discover Customers:
The web site is not able to process US Amex & Discover cards on-line but you can call toll-free 1-888-966-2299 to place an order using them. Canadian Amex & Discover cards are okay to use on the web site.
Visa Prepaid Gift Cards will not work on the web site.
US dollar amounts are approximations only depending on how your credit card company or bank handle daily conversion rates.