9am-5:00pm PST 1-888-966-2299

Cordless Phone Batteries

(99% of batteries are in stock and available for immediate shipment)

Cordless phone batteries from Empire Scientific and Energizer, the leading manufacturers of cordless phone replacement batteries. All  cordless phone batteries are built with the highest quality cells and meet or exceed the original manufacturer's specifications. That's why most batteries come with a 3 month  warranty, your guarantee of quality. Beware of used batteries that sell online as new for as little as $3-4 dollars including shipping.
Cordless phone manufacturers recommend that the battery be replaced every 12-18 months for optimum use.
For increased cordless phone battery life choose the NiMH battery if it is available for your phone model.
Our low overhead enable us to provide you with the finest cordless phone batteries at great prices.

If you don't see your cordless phone manufacturer or battery listed call toll free 1-888-966-2299 or send an email to sales@batterycanada.comand we will find it for you.

3Com Digital Lab Logitech Snom
2000S Doro Lucent / AT&T Sony
Aastra DuoFone Magnasonic Sound Design
Abrivo Durabrand Magnavox Southern Telecom
Adara 6751 EBL MCE Spectra
Again & Again Elcom McGibben Spectralink
Agfeo DECT 60 Electrohome McNair Sprint
Airway Elite Memorex SW Bell
(Also see Bell South)
Alaron Elmeg DECT 300 Meridian Superphone
Alcatel Embarq MGA SwissVoice
Alinco Embassy Michael Graves Sylvania
Ame-Link Emerson Mickey Mouse Tadiran i5801
American Telecom Enercell Microsoft Taicom
Ameriphone Energizer Midland Tandy
Agfeo DECT 60 EnGenius Mitel T-Com 8232 8242
or see V-Tech
ePure Motorola Teac
A-Phone Ericsson Multicell Technidyne
Agfeo DECT 30, C45 Escort Mura Tele-Concepts
Ascom Extendaphone Muraphone Teledex
AT&T / Lucent Fanon NEC Telekom
Ativa Fenzer Netgear Telemania
Audiologic Fine Nexxtech Tel-Mate
Audiosonic Fisher Scientific Nippon Telematrix
Audiovox Flexair Nitsuko Telemax
Avaya Freedom Nomad T-Com
Bang & Olufsen Funktel D11 Nortel Telemed
Belkin GE Northern Telecom Tele-Phone
Bell Phone Genesis Norstar Telepower
Bell Sonecor GE-Sanyo NW Bell
(Also see Bell & SW Bell)
Bell (South)
(Also see SW Bell & NW Bell)
Gigaset Nuvox Telrad 2G4
NW Bell
(Also see Bell & SW Bell)
GN Netcom Octophone TEXET DECT
Bell World Go Phone Olympia Thomson
Bel-Tronics Goldstar Olympus Tiptel 500 DECT
Beocom GP OOMA T-Mobile
Binatone GPT Oregon Scientific Toshiba
Brother Grandstream Pacific Bell Tropez
also see V-Tech
BT Grundig Pactel True-Tone
BT Norstar GTE Panasonic TT Systems
BYD Gutzmar Phillips/Philips Ultralast
C2000S Hanwa Phonak Ultralink
Cable & Wireless HWN Phone Mate Unidata ICW-1000G
Carlton Hyostar Pierre Cardin Uniden
Casio IBM Plantronics Unify
Centrios 4314000 iDect Polycom Unisonic
Cetis IDT Pottery Barn Grand Unitech
Cidco Ikko Quasar Universal
Cisco Incom Qwest US Tron
Citizen Infinicell Radio Shack Venturer
Clarity Innovaphone Rayovac Verge
ClearOne Insten RCA Verizon
Clearsounds IntelliTouch Record-A-Call Vocera
CNC Microwave Inter-Tel Recoton Vodavi
Cobra IPEVO SO-20 RTX 8830, 8630 Voice 2000S
Coby ITC Saft V-Tech
Code-A-Phone ITT Samsung Walk & Talk
Columbia Jacob Jensen Sanik Walker Clarity
Comdial Jasco Sanyo Wave Technologies
COMfortel Jensen SBC Webcor
Companion JVC
SBT-Uniden SBC-3375/202
Conair(E) Kawasaki Scitec White Westinghouse
Cortelco Key Phone Scout Wicom
Cosmo Key Service Sears Widex Phone-Dex
Craftsman Keytronics Segan Wildix
Crofone ADP4000 Kirk Senao Win W500/W1500
Curtis Koss Sentiniel Windsor
Cybergenie Kraco Sharp Xact
Cybiotronics Laphone Shoretel IP930D Xingtel
Cygnion Lenbrook Enterprise ShoreTel RB-EP802-L Yealink
Dantona LG Siemens Zeta
DeTeWe Linksys Skype ZTE

The above batteries will have different model numbers on the product pages since they are after market replacement batteries which are as good or better than the originals.  The current or mAh (milliamp hour) rating of a battery is an indication of the battery capacity or how long it will last on a charge, the higher the better.

NiMH & NiCd batteries are interchangeable in cordless phones.