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Kobo Reader Batteries

Arc 7 na Glo HD
Arc-E na H2O
Aura GN345361
Aura HD H384355 na
Aura Edition 2 na K080-KDN-8
Aura One na N204-KBO-B
Aura One Limited Edition na N416 na
Aura H2O na N613
Clara HD na N647 na
D1-11-04 N905 3 wire only CS-IQN120SL
DR-KB12 Touch 3 wire only CS-IQN120SL
Forma na SP305590
Glo Vox

The above batteries will have different model numbers on the product pages since they are after market replacement batteries which are as good or better than the originals.  The current or mAh (milliamp hour) rating of a battery is an indication of the battery capacity or how long it will last on a charge, the higher the better.

Tablet Batteries Home Page