9am-5:00pm PST 1-888-966-2299

Panasonic Wireless Headset Batteries

1iNP5/35/36 Attune AIO 2050 RP-WFG20E-K WX-CT420
1588-8452 BX-B3030 RP-WFG20H WX-CT2020
2020BAT CE-3030 Ultraplex II 2051 WX-CT2050
2050BAT PA04940398 WX-B3030 WX-H3030
2051BAT PA12110026 WX-C920 WX-H3050
Attune I PA12830049 WX-C1020 WX-SB100
Attune II PB-900I WX-C2020BAT WX-ST100
Attune II HD3 PB-9001 WX-C2050BAT WX-ST300
Attune 3020 RP-WFG20 WX-CH455 WX-T3020
Attune 3050 RP-WFG20E WX-CH2050 WX-PB900

The above batteries will have different model numbers on the product pages since they are after market replacement batteries which are as good or better than the originals.  The current or mAh (milliamp hour) rating of a battery is an indication of the battery capacity or how long it will last on a charge, the higher the better.

Call toll-free 1-888-966-2299 or e-mail sales@batterycanada.com if you don't see your model listed.