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RCA Cordless Phone Batteries

AN8526 25255 28165 5-2729
3SN2 25255 headset 28223 52734
3SN3A60SJ1 25270 headset 28512 5-2762
3SN-AAA70H-S-J1 25276 28522 5-2770
3SN-AAA75H-S-J1 25413 28801 5-2814
3SN-AAA77H-S-J1F 25414 28802 5-2826
60AAAH3BMJ 25415 28811 5-2840
180AAH-2699 25420 28821 52419
2101 25423RE1 28851 52539
2103 25424 29414 52650
2184 25425 29515 52721
2189 25450RE3 handset 29522D 53204
2791 25250R 29525C 53304
2910SST 25450RE3 handset 29526 56423
2911SST 25450RE3-A base na 29582 521819
2912SST 25690 na 29625 521819A
2913SST 2-5699 29626 531500
2920SST 25831GE3 29630 55057233
2930SST 25832GE3 29631 AA
9625E 25833 29631A BATT-6010
21009GE3 2-5912 29632 BT10
21018GE3 2-5922 29675 BT-32
21011 25932 29821 BT33
21013 2-5942 291951 F8011A
21022 25952 5250RE1 F8021A
21023 2-5982 52126 F8031A
21028GE3 26977 52132 F8041A
21098 27700GE2 52283 GP55AAAH2BMJ
21111 27901 52298 GP60AAAH3BMJ
21311 27902 5298E GP65AAAH5BMXZ na
21321 27907 5298F GP70AAAH2BMJ
21380 27909 52301 H250RE1
21900 27910 52304 H2540RE3
21905 27911 52308 H-5250
23200RE3-A 27920 52309 H5400
25055 27925 52310 H5401
25065 27930 52311 H5401RE1
25065RE1 headset 27931 52313 H5450RE3 handset
2-5110 27935 52522 H5400RE3-A
25110RE3-A base unit 27936 52523 TC3930
25110RE3-A handset 27938GE1 52539 TC25055RE1
25110RE3-A headset 27939GE3 5-2650 TC5250RE1-A
25111 headset 27980 5-2660 TC25255RE2
25210 27990 5-2670 na TCH5250RE1-A handset
25211 27993 5-2682 TL-26402
25211 headset 28110 5-2683 T-T101
25212 28111 5-2699 T-T102
25250RE1 28112 5-2707 T-T104
25252 28128 5-2721 T2734
25252 headset . . .

The above batteries will have different model numbers on the product pages since they are after market replacement batteries which are as good or better than the originals.  The current or mAh (milliamp hour) rating of a battery is an indication of the battery capacity or how long it will last on a charge, the higher the better.

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