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Verizon Cell Phone & PDA Batteries


35H00127-02M Dare Samsung Jitterbug Dial Voyager
35H00127-04M Decoy Samsung Juke VS920
35H00127-05M Droid Incredible Samsung SCH-a630 VX1000
35H00127-06M e615 Samsung SCH-a650 VX2000
2032 e815 Samsung SCH-a650pp VX3200
5800 enV2 Samsung SCH-a670 VX3300
A855 Escapade Samsung SCH-a790 VX4400
BA S440 Glimmer Samsung SCH-a795 VX4500
BB00100 GxOne Boulder Samsung SCH-a850 VX4650
BL-49KH Kyocera K404 Samsung SCH-a890 VX4700
Blackberry 6750 Kyocera K414 Samsung SCH-a930 VX5200
Blackberry 7130 Kyocera KX1V Samsung SCH-a950 VX5300
Blackberry 7250 Kyocera KX2 Samsung SCH-a970 VX6100
Blackberry 7750 Kyocera KX444 Samsung SCH-a990 VX6175
Blackberry 8830 LG-510 (Black) Samsung SCH-n330 VX7000
Blitz LG-510 (Silver) Samsung SCH-U310 VX8000
BTR8B LGTM510 Samsung SCH-U410 nc VX8100
BTR6200 LGVS920BAT Samsung SCH-U740 VX8300
BTR6200B Mogul XV6800 Scoop VX8350
BTR-9500 Moto Z6C SMT-5800 VX8700
CDM-8615 Nokia 2128i Spectrum VX9100
CDM-8630 Nokia 6015i Spectrum 4G VX9400
CDM-8905 Nokia 6236i T300p VX9800
CDM-8940 PBR-8999 Thera 2032 VX9900
CDM-8945 PN-215 Touch Diamond VZW CDM180
CDM-8960 PN-230 Treo 600 VZW CDM8910
CDM-8950 PN-820 Treo 650 VZW CDM8940
CDM-8975 nc PPC-6800 Treo 700W W385
CDM-8999 Q9c TX8010 W755
CDM-9000 RAZR V60P Wireless Coupe
CDM-9500 RAZR2 V9M V60S WP8990VW
CDM-9900 Samsung Alias SCH-U740 V65P XV-5800
CDM-9950 Samsung Flipshot V111 XV6600
CDMA2000 Samsung Glyde V265 XV6700
Chocolate 3 Samsung Hue V276 XV6800
Chocolate VX8350 Samsung i600 V325 XV-6900
Cricket Samsung i700 V710 Z6C
Crux Samsung i730 Venus .

The above batteries will have different model numbers on the product pages since they are after market replacement batteries which are as good or better than the originals.  The current or mAh (milliamp hour) rating of a battery is an indication of the battery capacity or how long it will last on a charge, the higher the better.

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